Pitta, recommended diet:
In the Pitta diet, you have to avoid the hot summer food. The sweet and bitter taste is good for the emotional sphere as well as the physical sphere. The foods recommended for this diet are:
- Light cereals
- barley, oats, basmati rice, white rice, millet.
- Vegetables and vegetables
- particularly cabbage, artichokes, dandelion, asparagus, cucumber, celery, lettuce, peas, parsley, radicchio, chicory, rocket …
- legumes
- better if salted and except for lentils and beans, more difficult to digest for the Pitta constitution.
- Fruit
- especially coconut, avocado, apple, figs, melon, pears, pineapple, plums, pomegranates, bananas well matured …
- Condiments
- coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, sunflower oil, pancake sugar, unleavened butter.
- Spices
- turmeric, cardamom, fennel, coriander. Moderately black pepper. Not recommended paprika, tabasco and chili pepper.
- Meat and animal derivatives
- milk, cottage cheese, white meat, eggs, rabbit, crustaceans.
In the diet of the Pitta energy configuration, the following foods should be limited:
- Dried fruits
- Hard wheat paste
- Red meat
- Lentils and beans
- Canned foods
- Ketchup
- pickles
- Vinegar
- Chili pepper
- Alcoholic beverages
- Carbonated drinks
- Salted foods or glutamate added
- Especially acidic foods
- Especially spicy foods
To help the gastrointestinal system and to support liver activity, a detox diet is recommended. An Ayurvedic remedy recommended to the pitta dosha energy configuration is the Triphala guggul, a herbal mix and resin that in Ayurveda discipline is taken after the two main meals of the day.