Anti-Ageing & Rejuvenition Treatment


Description Ageing is a continuous and ineludible process. Failing health or recurrent illness are frequently experienced as we age. Incorrect nutrition, a sedentary lifestyle, stress and alcohol consumption have adverse influence on ageing. Moreover, as time goes by, the senses become weaker and muscular and joint efficiency progressively worse
Treatment It is possible to control the quality of ageing and the effects of time can be slowed down and managed. The progressive degeneration of the body can be delayed and possibly reversed through Anti-Ageing and Rejuvenation treatment at Linta’s. Ayurveda techniques, including Lepam a herbal beauty care treatment in which a medicinal plaster of carefully chosen herbs cleanse and reduce inflammation, Njavaratheppy a massage with medicinal Njavara rice, Abhyangam massage with herbal oil, Njavarakizhi special heated bolus body massage using medicinal rice verity known as Njavara used to improve the vital senses and to rejuvenate ageing skin. A specific Yoga and stretching exercises program will ensure correct movement of the body and a relaxed mind.
Duration A 14 day treatment period, or more, is recommended
